Action is required  

This is an alert under our DMCA repeat infringer policy

This alert is to let you know that this month, we again received notifications of alleged copyright infringement associated with your Internet account. That means your Internet service may have been used repeatedly to copy or share a movie, show, song, game, or other content without any required permission. You should have already received the details of these notifications in previous emails or letters from us titled: Notice of Action under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Because we’ve repeatedly received notifications of alleged copyright infringement regarding your Internet account over the past several months, your Internet service has been suspended.

Further notifications may result in your Internet account being suspended again or terminated. Your other Comcast services could be terminated, as well.

What you need to do

The primary user on the account must call our Customer Security Assurance Team at 1-877-842-2112.

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Comcast Cable, One Comcast Center, 1701 JFK Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Attn: Email Communications